Bantam Youth in below resourcesRules
Bantam 3rd/4th Grade = (4) 10 minute running qtrs
Youth Rules
YOUTH- The regulation playing time of a game shall be 60 minutes, divided into 4 periods of 15 minutes each with a 5 minute half time. Exception: If weather or waning light warrants an abbreviated playing time both head coaches must agree to the time. Stop clock for injury time out and in the last two minutes of the game. .
2025 Youth Payment Rules
We Email Vouchers to Program Payment Pmt-Treas. Home team pays the Referee, Visitor Pays Umpire. For 1/2 & 3/4 single official games you Voucher both teams $25.00.
Voucher should include the following items Game Amount, Game Date, Game Time, Home Team, Visiting Team, Field, Your Name, Your Address Your City, ST, Zip and Cell.
For the Game Info, just copy from Arbiter and paste into email, add the Game Fee and your address details, then send to PMT Admin. See Sample Below. Some programs require IRS W-9 .
2025 Rates $105 for Varsity game; $90 for JV game, $65 for Clock. Use Paper Vouchers. Hand your Voucher to the Referee and he will hand to the Home Team Coach (or Administrator) at time of Pregame Coaches Conference. Travel is $0 for under 15 miles one way; $10 for One-Way 15-35 Miles; $15 for 35-70 miles and IRS Mileage ($0.67) over 70 One Way miles and IRS mileage rate for One-Way This THSLL/LOA contract has NOTHING to do with Youth Payments.
Please be sure your read and understand THSLL Cancellation, Travel and Late Fee Structures. They are ALL Listed in the contract. Fee Schedule Here. .
Game Day cancellations should be made by a PHONE CALL to assignor, coaches or Program Coordinators (In Arbiter >> Lists>> Contacts >> "Coord"). In the event games are cancelled less than two (2) hours prior to game time, Member Teams are responsible for paying officials for such scheduled games. If two (2) games are scheduled, the officials will be paid the higher of the fees. Officials will also be paid for suspended games.
2025 Sample 4 Up Paper Voucher is listed below- SAVE THIS TO YOUR LOCAL DEVICE, OPEN WITH ACROBAT. Fill In name, address, City, ST Zip, it will replicate to all four vouchers. IT DOES NOT WORK WITH MS Edge Browser.